Friday, June 27, 2008

Family Work

This morning, everybody got up and went to work, my mom's working at home, my brother and I were doing yard work (picking up sticks, lawn stuff etc.) and my dad was too. It was hard work but we got the work done! I got to drive the lawnmower. :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Camp Rock

I know my dad's side of the family has seen this movie since we watched it together (aspecially Christan). It was an okay movie, I give it a 5 of 6 stars. 5 because you have to deal with Demi L. bad bangs for the whole movie. (yuck!). Overall it was a cute movie. My favorite song was probaly We rock and Music's in my soul. We'll that's All i gotta say about that movie.

Action All Stars Cheer

I'm on a competitive cheer squad with my friend Tori. We are on the blue team
(the lower one -sadness-) It's really fun and we are working on our first routine for compitions. We are both flyers (or top girl). We met a lot of new friends but our 3rd 3 muskateer is Kathleen. She's also a flyer/top girl. We will go to alot of places for the compitions. We might even go to Myrtle Beach and Flordia so my family can come see me (both mom and dad's side) and my friends. I'll post pictures of the squad later. I don't have any right now though!
Catch ya later
-Sarah Grace
Hey again!
We just got back from Mytle Beach. My dad's side of the family is really fun to be with. There's "Oh great one" (aka Glenn) and he's like a big brother. He's really funny and every year he takes us kids to Wal-Mart for a "candy run" and basically we get all the candy that we want. Next there's Stephine and Lindsey, they are Glenn's daughter. They are both older than Elizabeth and Zachery (the oldest kids). Stephine made a book of this year's fun. It's really cool but you have to buy it. We will probaly buy it. Zachery.... well Zachery is the oldest "kid" in the family. He's funny and well a boy. He can be annoying but he's family so I have to love him (YUCK!). Elizabeth is fun. We both have something in common... WE LOVE EDWARD CULLEN!!! We both read Twilight by Stephine Meyer, last time I checked she was reading New Moon but I bet she's done with that and reading eclipe by now. Mary Margert and Daniel are twins, they're 14
(i'm pretty sure) Dainel is funny and LOVES to dance. It was really funny the first night when everybody got up and danced like there was no tomorrow. Mary Margert is nice and caring. She's fun to hang out with when you need a break from all those boys! Elizabeth, Mary Margert, and I are the only girl kids in this family. It kinda sucks because you're surronded by boys but I don't mind so much. Christen and Bailey are the other boys in the family. Bailey is one year younger than me na dChristen is one year older than me. I'm inbetween and it's kinda fun to be with both of them. Of course that leaves Grant.... wow "Big G" of course he's my brother so yea I could say more about him then others. Right now as I'm typing this he's sitting with his friend Kai at the computer playing a video game, I don't blame them though, It's kinda gloomy today. I'll tell more about the vaction later I have Cheer now so bye!

Peter's Graduation

In Minnesota, we went to my cousin's graduation party. He's going to Kanas. "Rock Chalk Jayhawk". The party was great and the food was AMAZING! We had a candy bar too. You got to fill a blue "Rock Chalk Jayhawk" cup (it was big) full of candy. There was all sorts of candy. We had a great time. Peter also dyed his hair blonde for his ultimate fisbee team. I saw pictures of his team and the games and it wasn't that boring. We also had a slushie machine. I had three cups and it was really yummy! It exciting and sad at the same. It was exciting that my cousin is going to college and sad because I won't see him as much. It's funny though because my best friend's brother goes to Kanas too. His name is Mike and he's very nice and I'm pretty sure they'll be friends.